The East Glamorgan Bird List

Sequence, nomenclature and taxonomy

The taxonomy and sequence follows the British Ornithologists’ Union (BOU). 2022. The British List: A Checklist of Birds of Britain (10th edition) on the BOU website at and in Ibis 164: 860 – 910. incorporating subsequent taxonomic and sequencing updates in the International Ornithological Union’s IOC World Bird List version 13.2 (28th August 2023) – see for details. The English species names follow the familiar vernacular names used by the BOU in their simple list format updated on 10th December 2022.

The East Glamorgan Bird List

In 2022 one species was recorded in Eastern Glamorgan for the first time:
White-throated Sparrow – Zonotrichia albicollis

With this addition, at the end of 2022 the total number of species recorded in Eastern Glamorgan stood at 321.

This list is kept up to date for us by Peter Lansdown of Cardiff, and is updated yearly. The current update was uploaded on 3rd Oct 2023.

Other than six Category C species (Egyptian Goose, Mandarin Duck, Ruddy Duck, Red-legged Partridge, and Little Owl), all of the species on the Eastern Glamorgan List are Category A species. Not all of these, however, have been recorded in Eastern Glamorgan as Category A species.

For each of the species on the Eastern Glamorgan Bird List, the year in which it was first recorded, if known, is included. Of the 321 species, 245 were recorded from 2018 to 2022 inclusive; for each of the remaining 76 species, the year in which it was last recorded is also included. The entire list is tabulated in a pdf file linked to above.